Apple Notes is a Decent Notes App, But It Could Be Better
Apple Notes has been a popular notetaking app among iOS and macOS users for years, thanks to its built-in integration and ease of use. However, the app still has some limitations that prevent it from being a top-notch notetaking app.
Apple Notes has been a popular notetaking app among iOS and macOS users for years, thanks to its built-in integration and ease of use. However, the app still has some limitations that prevent it from being a top-notch notetaking app. We will explore some of the improvements Apple can make to Notes to make it a better notetaking app.
I want to keep using Apple Notes every time I open it, but I stop myself each time since it offers limited options. From forcing everyone to use rich text instead of providing more rounded support such as Markdown, for example, the need for export options, the inability to truly add on additional features via plugins, or the flexibility found in Notion or Obsidian.
Support for Markdown
One of the most significant improvements that Apple can make to Notes is to add support for Markdown. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows users to format text without the need for complex formatting options. It is widely used in the tech industry and has become a popular way to take notes. Adding Markdown support would make Notes more versatile and attractive to users who value speed and efficiency.
Markdown is easy to use and requires just a few basic symbols to add formatting to text. For example, a single asterisk on either side of a word will italicize it, while two asterisks will bold it. This is much faster than using the formatting options in Apple Notes, which require several clicks or taps to apply.
In addition to its simplicity, Markdown is portable. Because Markdown is just plain text with some formatting symbols, it can be easily exported to other formats, such as HTML or PDF. This means that users can take their notes from Apple Notes and use them in other applications or share them without worrying about formatting issues.
Integration with Other Apps
Another area where Apple Notes can be improved is integration with other apps. Notes have essential integration with apps like Pages and Numbers, but there is room for improvement. For example, better integration with Numbers would allow users to create tables and charts directly in Notes, making it a more versatile app for those who work with data.
Better Export Options
Exporting notes from Notes is currently a limited process. Users can export notes as PDF or text files, but there is no option to export notes as a Word document or other file formats. This limits the app's usefulness for those who need to share notes with others who use different software.
Integration with Calendars
Another potential improvement to Notes would be integration with calendars. Users must manually add notes related to meetings and events to their calendars. However, users could automate creating meeting notes if Notes had built-in integration with calendars. For example, when a user creates an event in their calendar, Notes could automatically create a new note for the meeting and include relevant details such as the time, location, and attendees. This would save users time and make it easier to keep track of meeting notes.
As previously stated, I used a hack to track my meeting notes. But even that proved helpful once I used another system via Notion. I would love to be able to use Apple Notes for my meeting notes and sync them.
Apple Quick Notes
Apple wants users to use their Notes app. With Apple Quick Notes, one can easily create a quick note on iPad and save it to their Apple Notes--kind of like a quick Post-it note. I love this feature, but since I don't use Apple Notes as my primary notetaking device, I find myself not using it since I know I would need to figure out a way to sync or share the quick note to my leading notetaking apps.
There are rumors that Apple might open Quick Notes to other developers in iOS 17, and that would be great! Until then, Quick Notes feels unfinished to me.
Final Thoughts
Apple Notes is a solid notetaking app that has served many users well over the years. However, there is room for improvement. Apple could make Notes a more versatile and efficient notetaking app by adding support for Markdown, improving integration with other apps like Numbers and Pages, providing better export options, and integrating with calendars. These improvements would make Notes a more attractive option for users using third-party notetaking apps and could help Apple retain users within its ecosystem. These improvements are worth considering to make Apple Notes a better notetaking app.